Today, technology, such as wearable sensors and apps designed to boost home living for older ageing, has evolved into fall detection and prevention devices for older people living at home. Falls are a leading cause of institutionalisation and functional deterioration, and fall without critical damage increase the likelihood of institutionalisation by a factor of three. Various types of sensors and systems for fall prevention and detection are currently made smaller, less costly, and more user-friendly.
The SofiHub comprises all detecting devices and personal protection alarms to help prevent and detect falls, such as home, aged care, disability care, and hospital. These technologies primarily rely on monitoring and alarm devices to prevent, detect, and warn caretakers in the event of a fall. Some respond to a person’s fall by providing reactive help, whereas others act proactively by suggesting preventive measures such as home exercise programmes for muscle strength and postural control. These technologies have the potential to minimise the costs and effects of falls while also increasing user acceptability by giving frequent information and alerts on the user’s health and performance state.
The finest fall prevention gadgets allow seniors and carers to be proactive. They are into two groups based on their level of urgency: urgent and timely. Traditional pendants to high-tech wearables and video monitors are among the devices available, including:
- TEQ-FallsAlert
- TEQ-Secure
Their purpose is to ensure the safety and well-being of older adults. However, you can find their benefits before highlighting the finest in each area.
Devices for preventing falls that demand rapid response
TEQ-FallsAlert is a passive, legitimate fall alert and avoidance system designed for people in aged care facilities, primary care, or inpatient settings. TEQ-FallsAlert saves time and enhances employee engagement.
- There will be no more false alarms.
- Minimize employee complacency; when TEQ-FallsAlert warns the carer, the carer understands it is a genuine alarm.
- Data can record for compliance purposes.
- Examination of previous data assists in informing and limiting the danger of future falls.
- Detect both presences and falls.
- There is no need for a wearable gadget.
- Detect live falls from a bed, a sitting position, or when standing.
- Clear of tripping risks
What do professionals have to say about fall prevention?
Government agencies are in charge of overseeing fall prevention programmes in nursing homes and hospitals. These include: Supported by the Australian Government Department of Health, a Registered NDIS Provider, and Working with the Transport Accident Commission. These organisations stress the importance of the following:
- Identifying those who are at high risk of falling
- Discovering hidden risk factors
- Providing effective preventative care
- Always enhance care and the environment
The best fall prevention strategy needs a network of people, such as older adult, caretakers, and their physicians. Users must identify the fall risk factors, consult with a medical person, learn about the root causes of risk, adopt and practise effective preventive care and allow the old individual to continue living safely in the future.